8 Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms & Suitable Levels Of Men & Women

This article takes a look at Vitamin D, specifically Vitamin D deficiency, the symptoms of and acceptable Vitamin D levels for both sexes.

The human body is a wonder of nature with a built-in defence system that constantly updates and fights off pathogens, yet in order to perform as it must, your body needs a long list of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. In this article, we focus on Vitamin D, which consists of Vitamin D2 & D3 and we take a look at potential symptoms of deficiency in Vitamin D.

Where Does Vitamin D Come From?

There are a few foods that contain this essential vitamin, such as eggs, fish liver oils, grains and egg yolk; other than that, we derive Vitamin D from exposure to direct sunlight. Those who do not get a lot of exposure to sunlight are at risk of low Vitamin D levels, especially those who live in Polar regions, where they have to endure months of darkness.

Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency

Common symptoms for Vitamin D deficiency include the following:

  1. Constantly fatigued
  2. Interrupted sleep patterns
  3. Aching bones and joints
  4. Feeling depressed
  5. Hair loss
  6. Muscular weakness
  7. Lack of appetite
  8. Pale skin

Also, a lack of Vitamin D impacts your immune system, making it harder for the body to fight off germs and viruses.

What Is The Correct Amount Of Vitamin D For An Adult?

The correct amount of Vitamin D for an adult is 10 micrograms per day and the good news is that you cannot overdose with Vitamin D. If you regularly expose yourself to the sun, that should be enough to maintain normal levels of this essential vitamin. The same amounts are fine for children from 1 year and up, and men do not require more Vitamin D than women.

Vitamin D Testing Kits

There are tests for measuring Vitamin D levels in blood that can be ordered online from a leading provider; these are used by healthcare professionals and patients. The 20-minute test involves taking a pin-prick of blood and using an app to accurately measure the levels of both Vitamin D3 & D2. Once you receive the test kit package, download the free app from Play Store, which is used to capture the result of the test.

Foods That Contain Vitamin D

The following foods contain Vitamin D:

  • Trout, mackerel, tuna and salmon
  • Canned fish (herring & sardines)
  • Egg yolks
  • Beef liver
  • Fish liver

Vitamin D fortified foods include:

  • Soy milk
  • Breakfast cereal
  • Almond milk & milk
  • Orange juice

As mentioned previously, you can get all the Vitamin D you need from regular exposure to the sun; if you wish to test your Vitamin D2 & D3 levels, search online for a leading supplier of Vitamin D testing kits, which are user-friendly.

Take A Vitamin D Supplement

Many people take a Vitamin D supplement on a daily basis, which increases your daily dosage and that should be enough to get your levels back to normal. The pill contains D2 & D3, which would likely contain an A-Z list of vitamins and minerals.  The over 50s usually take a daily A-Z supplement pill first thing in the morning and should their diet be lacking in any essential vitamins and minerals, the pill will provide the extra dose.

Whether you are a man or woman, old or young, you should always make sure that you are receiving all the essential vitamins & minerals and with home testing kits for Vitamin D 2&3, you can easily check your critical levels of vitamins and minerals.