Chinese Traditional Medicine Herbs

Traditional Chinese Medicine: What Are the Best Herbs For Health?

Some of the most popular Chinese herbs for treatment have been utilised for many years in traditional Chinese medicine, while some others have only been used for decades.

History indicates that Chinese herbal medicine was first developed over 5,000 years ago. It utilises the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and combines it with modern research findings on pain relief, immune system functioning and other aspects. Many of the more popular Chinese herbal medications are part of the core components of a comprehensive health maintenance plan.

There are hundreds of different kinds of herbs, which can be classified by the types of herb, plant or fruit they’re used in Chinese herbal medicine. Some herbs have been well-known to possess healing properties, particularly to treat serious ailments. Some examples of the most common Chinese herbal medications include peppermint, ginger, ginkgo biloba, fennel, motherwort, licorice and juniper. Each specific herb has its own set of related targets, and it is important to remember that they must be used in specific combinations in order to be effective.

Ginger & Gingko Biloba

Two of the most popular Chinese herbs for the treatment of cancer and fever are ginger and gingko biloba, both of which have strong anti-viral properties. Ginger has been used in Chinese traditional medicine as an effective antidote for poison. Among the benefits of Gingko biloba is that it increases the body’s immune system function and helps the body fight infections. The anti-inflammatory properties of these two herbs have also been proven by clinical studies to be very effective in the treatment of arthritis and other painful conditions. They are also used for the treatment of fever, depression, inflammation and digestive disorders.

Customised Herbal Treatments

Chinese herbal medications can range from being fairly simple and easy to administer home remedies to extremely complicated and difficult to administer preparations. The different herbs used in Chinese traditional medicine all have specific uses and their own unique sets of related targets and effects on the human body.

In Chinese traditional medicine, the different herbs or ingredients are prescribed according to their effects on the individual. Each person’s state of health and symptoms is unique and requires the use of a specific combination of ingredients in order to achieve optimal results. Many times the combination is based on the state of the person’s lifestyle and diet. Chinese medicine seeks to identify the key energy force or “qi” that is flowing through the person and then unblocks it through the application of specific herbs and ingredients. Specific remedies are usually designed to target the key energy force or “qi” in the individual in order to correct whatever condition they are suffering from. You can learn more about Chinese traditional medicine herbs online, where you can also find reputable stores that sell them.

Combination Of Herbs

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Some common ingredients used in Chinese herbal medicine include those that have anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. At the molecular level, these ingredients work on the cells, helping them to increase their flexibility or stability, increase the production of healing cells or “angi”, and even heal physical tissue. Other herbs help with blood circulation and promote healthy lymphatic flow.

Chinese traditional medicine herbs are most effective when they are used in combinations with other herbs. For instance, when treating a person with diabetes, the specific herbs commonly prescribed would include glycerin, lecithin, hesperidin, bencelglucoside, fructooligosaccharide and disulphide.  

It should be noted that there are very few published articles that discuss the uses of Chinese herbal ingredients for common diseases. The reason for this is because most of the research on traditional Chinese medicines has been conducted using Chinese patients who only speak Chinese. It’s important to do your own research on the exact compounds that are effective against what diseases you’re interested in treating.