Have you ever wondered what exactly a human resource department does? Of course, we all know that it holds all employee records and when the company is in need of staff, the HR team would handle the procurement of all employees, from CEO to cleaner and everything in between. What you might not know is the methodology an HR team would use to find suitable candidates, which we outline in this article.
This is the key to HR success – having connections within a wide range of industries and associations with top performers. This means they have more people to choose from and with affordable and professional human resources outsourcing services, you will never have to worry about staff procurement again! A top recruitment agency would have many professionals on their books; not all are looking for work, but many are interested to see what opportunities are available. Besides, registering with a recruitment agency is free and when a position comes along that is in line with your field, you are notified as soon as the position comes online.
Gathering Data
Before an HR team can work their magic, they need to carry out a needs assessment to determine the ideal candidate; then they run this data through their extensive database of professionals and voila! A list of candidates appears. There was once a time when large companies had their own HR departments before outsourcing became popular, yet these businesses are scarce; even multi-national corporations outsource their HR.

Professional Screening
The role of the HR team is to screen all potential candidates and create an interview shortlist; the criteria would depend on the qualities they are looking for and are driven by the needs assessment. It might be that you plan to expand and your new manager would need to be able to relocate in a year or so, in which case, this would be incorporated into the search. Applicants would be screened for criminal records and financial debt and if working with children, special investigations can be carried out.
If there are a few candidates on the shortlist, the boss might interview them and make a decision, or the HR department would have virtual interviews and create a face-to-face interview shortlist. When you outsource, you have none of the huge expenses of running an HR department; simply tell the recruitment agency such as Avensure what you are looking for and they will work their magic and find the perfect candidate.
Online Solutions
If your business is taking off and you need a few positive salespeople to expand your sales radius, simply search online for a leading HR agency, one that specialises in your sector and leave it to the professionals.
We all know how costly it can be to hire someone who turns out to be unsuitable and in order to avoid this, call in the HR professionals who will source the ideal candidate.